About me

Welcome!  My name is Matt, and Iā€™m a holistic, somatic, awareness-based psychotherapist for humans living in California working as a part of Sessions Psychotherapy.  I am a human being!  My humanity is my spirituality, my religion, my way of being in the world.  Humanity as I am, not humanity as I would like to be.  Humanity with the ugly bits left in, with the hard parts, with the challenges and triumphs and laughter and tears and mystery.  Life to me is the embodied question of how to be human, how to show up fully, how to be purely myself, and I love to help others answer that question for themselves.

Anxiety, depression, trauma, shame, all these things can block our ability to be fully ourselves, to be fully in the moment, to live our lives as we were born to.  Therapy is a place where we can be witnessed in the depth of our humanity.  In our ugliness, in our beauty, in our deepest shame and our wildest successes.  Therapy is a place of reflection, of meditation, of creative experimentation.  What am I with in this moment?  What happens if we try this?  What happens if someone accepts me exactly as I am?  Is change possible?  

I love to help deep thinkers, philosophers, meaning makers.  I love to help people get out of their heads and into their bodies.  I love to help people process their trauma by accessing the innate wisdom of the body.  I love to help people face their fears and show up in ways they never believed possible.